There are many advantages in obtaining a certificate of the temporary residence in the Czech Republic as an EU National
If you are an EU citizen and you are planning to live in the Czech Republic for more than 3 months, then you have the possibility to apply for the certificate of a temporary residence. There are several documents you will need to present at the Ministry of Interiors, and as well attend a personal meeting there held in Czech.
That is why we are offering a full-service package within which we will:
– meet you in our office where we will fill in together your application
– tell you which documents exactly you will need to present
– review your documents to make sure they are all in order
– set up the appointment at the Ministry
– accompany you to the personal meeting and make sure everything goes smoothly
– will act as your point of contact in case the Ministry would need to contact you, and accompany you to pick up the certificate once it is ready

Some of the advantages of having the temporary residence certificate
- easier to open a bank account
- better conditions when applying for a mortgage
- possibility to register a car on your name
- hassle-free communication with the public offices
- you will get a Czech birth number which serves as your personal identification number
- the quicker process when applying for a Czech driving license
- in state of emergency, possibility to return to the Czech Republic
Interested in our assistance? Get in touch with us at +420 773 683 871 or . We can set up a personal meeting in our office conveniently located around the corner from Karlovo náměstí and the Dancing House.